Celebrate the Day of the Obscure
Warning: questionable web design decisions in that site, but I kinda dig the overall thought behind it. Most of us are Martin Van Buren's wigmaker. We must aspire to be great, not famous. And must achieve our greatness in obscurity, probably. This cool holiday (which currently lacks Hallmark cards, but could have lots of 'em if you think about it) was shared with me by one Billy Pooper. 10:32:52 PM [] blah blah blah'd on this ![]()
Feel that linky-love, man!
Dane isn't really gonna get a lot of flow from this blog from all my regular visitors (Hi Jeff, Alwin, Duncan and David!), but he's been a good dude to me, and has humored my quirks. Plus, he's got me nicely positioned in his blogrolling list. Check out the company he slapped me in . Wow! 10:20:38 PM [] blah blah blah'd on this ![]()
Serendipitous? I think not...
37signals' FedEx redesign. If you've ever had to use FedEx's godawful web-based shipment system, you've probably come close to putting a stapler through your monitor. You'll probably also be interested in knowing that the fine folks at 37signals feel the same way, and as a result, have put up a proposed redesign of the shipment form as a promotional for their work. Take a look; even if you've never used FedEx for online shipment prep, it's worth seeing how simple interfaces can contain complex logic and good functionality. This will be a perfect example for tomorrow's class on usability and user-centered design. Thanks, Jason, you're a peach! 9:22:45 PM [] blah blah blah'd on this ![]() ![]()
So what else might be considered Algol-like?
Éric Lévénez has created and maintains something that stops most geeks (at least the ones I know) in their tracks, for a little while. Where I work, there are a fair number of folks who lived through much or all of this, and this information always seems to trigger the sharing of some interesting memories (uh, no pun intended) and war stories from them. 7:56:36 PM [] blah blah blah'd on this ![]()
welcomeToTooMuchInformationville (population: "me!") So last Friday, I finally went to the walk-in clinic to get some treatment for that nasty stuff that had attacked my immune system (I think I had two seperate bouts of ick, whose activity happened to overlap). I had finally had enough of the sinus infection that had developed, and I was prescribed the usual suspects -- an antibiotic and a hellaciously powerful decongestant for the coughing. Anyway, the real reason for this post is so I can brag about losing around 12 pounds due the illnesses. Plus, thanks to the severity of the coughing fits, I've got harder abs than I've had in almost a decade. I'm almost ready to model for one of those ab-tronic electrical stimulation belt devices that are about to require FDA approval. The downside for this method of personal fitness is I managed to strain most of the muscles on the right side of my chest, and right now it really hurts to breathe, reach for objects, and to cough out the last of the crud, which sneaks in hard now due to the mega-decongestant. Could be worse, though. At least the antibiotics haven't killed off all of the good bacteria in my almost-six-packed gut. Yet... 1:25:38 PM [] blah blah blah'd on this ![]()