Why Radio, Volker? Because it satisfices... Hiya Volker, I use Radio because I know exactly where my files are -- on my laptop, which I usually have with me. I don't need to worry about FTP access, since I use the UserLand server, which uses XML-RPC (similar security issues as plain FTP, though ;-( ), and the backup of my stuff is just a simple part of my normal routine, which involves creating two rotating cloned copies of my hard drive, using Mike Bombich's most excellent Carbon Copy Cloner. I don't have to worry about having my keystrokes for login and so on captured on a foreign (to me) machine, and I don't have to worry about the server being up -- I just post on my own machine, and then wait for the posts to be synched on the server whenever I connect to the Internet again. The simple answer is it fits my own needs for blogging, just as I'm sure MT does for you. Just curious, do you run your own server, or have someone host your blogspace and admin the server for you?
NB for Alexis, that would mean that the backend would have to change. Probably radically. And they suddenly would be competing with the various folks who have started web-hosting services using Frontier/Manila. How it works was done as part of an intentional design. Userland supports weblogs that use Radio (or Blogger API or Metweblog API clients) for posting at radio.weblogs.com. That was their intent, as I understand it. You could always mirror your posts somewhere that does allow a browser interface, too -- the issue then would be getting those posts slurped down to your copy of Radio. (And if you haven't already found it, do be certain to check out Simon Fell's work that turns MS Word into a blogging tool. Recommended.) 6:47:59 PM [] blah blah blah'd on this![]()