Updated: 12/6/06; 8:34:07 AM.
Fluid Flow
Info about Antidunes, San Jose Neighborhoods, plus some Frontier/Radio scripting.

Thursday, May 6, 2004

I am torn here.

I understand that as an American, I must respect the Office of the President of the United States. And in recent past when I have grimaced when people around me have trashed the sitting President. I don't think that the President should have to do Rodney Dangerfield impressions. After all, the President was elected by the people and/or the electoral college. There should be some inherent respect as a result.

That said, I think that the current President may be the worst President that the United States has ever elected. I feel confident that he is the worst President in my lifetime.

I was born during the Eisenhower Presidency. So, I have seen a President resign because he broke the law and lied about it and a President impeached because he had an extramarital affair and lied about it (this second act also breaking the law). I am not sure why I was blessed to experience these two events.

So why, among these stalwart candidates do I recognize our current President as the worst in history? Because he was elected on the slimmest of margins, yet acted like he had a clear mandate. Because he is clearly in the pockets of big business and shows little concern for the rest of the (our and worlds) population. Because he shows so little concern for the environment. Because he got the U.S. mired into an unwinnable war.

Every day, it seems, I have to read about another bright light extinguished. I hope this wasn't one of the thousand points of light that our current President's father talked about. Because at 766 American casualties as of yesterday, we are rapidly extinguishing them.

I remain torn.
5:50:37 AM    
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