Tuesday, May 25, 2004 |
NHL President Says Owners Will Stand Firm (AP). AP - NHL commissioner Gary Bettman promised again Tuesday that owners are determined to reach a radically different labor agreement no matter how long it takes and warned the players union not to test that resolve...
A recent economic study prepared for the league, challenged by the players but repeatedly cited by Bettman, concluded that players get 76 percent of all league revenues [~] far more than the percentage for the other major team sports. [Yahoo! News - Top Stories]
I am sorry, but hockey players deserve all they get. They play a baseball schedule of football violence. If the owners aren't making enough money, then maybe they need to find another line of work.
10:58:16 PM
I just watched a Nature program on the Red-Tailed hawks that moved into Central Park in New York. I am trying to relate this success story with the killing of a mountain lion in Palo Alto last week.
The Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy world surrounding the red-tails didn't show its face in Palo Alto until after the cat was dead.
Why the difference?
Red-tails kill squirrels not people. Any time you have a critter that can kill people, people react with vengeance.
10:18:02 PM
I called my parents today at lunch time. I am completely plugged up with a cold and was eating lunch as well. So, my mouth was full and my nose was sealed when I said, "Hello".
Mom, knew it was me.
It strikes me strange and amazing that someone could know me so well as that. I'm not sure I know anyone that well. Maybe I could recognize Michele, but I'm not certain.
Anyway, I'll throw that out. And hopefully you parents will tell me that I am an idiot.
1:49:20 PM
Just when I was getting completely fed up with email, a new version of PowerMail was released. Even though my spam problems are unabated (I am getting about a 1000 spam messages a day), PowerMail 5 tighter integration with SpamSieve and general performance improvements make handling email manageable again.
Thank you CTM
11:04:38 AM
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