Updated: 12/6/06; 8:34:09 AM.
Fluid Flow
Info about Antidunes, San Jose Neighborhoods, plus some Frontier/Radio scripting.

Friday, May 7, 2004

It was Michele and my first Friday night game at the San Jose Giants.

The place was packed. We realized that things were going to be a little different when we got stuck in a line of cars making the left turn to get on the road to the parking lot. I made a U-turn and came in from the other side. Michele got out and got in line before I parked the truck (in the last row of the lot).

Fortunately, the big line was for people getting tickets. The line for people with tickets was much smaller and Michele was already at the front of the line when I got there.

For the first couple of innings people continued to stream in and pack the stadium. It was the biggest crowd that I had ever seen there. It was a zoo. Lots of kids, several lost parents , etc. Somehow I missed all of the long lines and got my beer and garlic fries before the first pitch.

As far as the baseball game went, San Jose took control of the game early and never let up.

I am enjoying baseball in San Jose.
11:10:57 PM    
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