Updated: 12/6/06; 8:34:29 AM.
Fluid Flow
Info about Antidunes, San Jose Neighborhoods, plus some Frontier/Radio scripting.

Friday, May 28, 2004

MH ponders suing San Jose for lack of representation on project. Coming off a successful meeting with several different agencies regarding the development of Coyote Valley, the City Council Wednesday discussed suing San Jose if unhappy with the ... [San Jose, CA - Topix.net]

Morgan Hill should definitely be a player in deciding the future of the Coyote Valley. Morgan Hill will see the impacts of this sprawl. San Jose will have impacts, but to a far lesser extent (poorer police and fire service to existing neighborhoods, worse road repairs).

It is ridiculous for San Jose to think that they have a better understanding of the sprawls impact than the town that is getting impacted. But that is the San Jose ego.

Developing the Coyote Valley is a bad idea. It is being sold as smart growth, but there is nothing smart about it. The transit options that could potentially make it smart are missing, sucked away by BART to San Jose. It will be 30 years before there is money for light rail or electric Caltrain service to the Coyote Valley. In the mean time San Jose, is building an interchange to nowhere.

Go Morgan Hill!
11:07:32 PM    
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Syrah is staying with us while my folks run up to Willapa Bay.

Having a dog changes the house dynamics. Since Syrah stays close to me, Shasta is less inclined to tell me she needs to be fed, now! But Shasta is coping, she has figured out how to get on the bed to sleep with us at night.

The biggest change is the amount of energy that I need to expend. No more days of 9 to 7, sitting behind the computer. I have to get out of the house and Syrah requires me to actually run.

I haven't run in 20 years, stupid dog.

Of course, I am enjoying it immensely. Syrah is a great dog, and we always seems to be on the same page.
4:26:33 PM    
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