Friday, June 4, 2004 |
Mountain Lion Warning in Palo Alto, Menlo Park. Parents at a Palo Alto school were warned to walk their kids to class Friday morning after a mountain lion was spotted in the area. [Los Altos, CA - Topix.net]
I am sorry, but the chances that a child will be killed by a mountain lion are astronomically smaller than the chances that they will be killed by a passing car.
These reports continue to fuel the us vs. them mentality, and are used to justify killing. Mountain lions are not the problem. There are not too many mountain lions, there are too many people.
2:59:15 PM
Syrah, our dog guest is a shepherd-basenji mix. Now before I met Syrah, I had never even heard of a basenji. So today I set out to find out about the breed. There are lots of good resources, including the Basenji Club of America.
Basenjis are generally quiet dogs that don't bark alot, though Syrah has a good shepherd bark when she needs it. But they are vocal and the Basenji Club of America website has recordings of basenji yodels, roos, and other sounds. When I played a basenji yodel, Syrah was in my office in a second, trying to find the dog between my speakers. She couldn't figure out where I was hiding him.
10:41:14 AM
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