Updated: 12/6/06; 8:37:36 AM.
Fluid Flow
Info about Antidunes, San Jose Neighborhoods, plus some Frontier/Radio scripting.

Friday, February 4, 2005

Another idea for free. I want a...: "A picture named suffle.jpgAnother idea for free. I want a USB port on my car sound system. Take my flash drive, load it up with some podcasts, and plug it into my car and go for a trip. All the usual controls apply, back, forward, pause, volume control. This is vastly preferable to putting an iPod dock in the car, which is giving way too much power to Apple. Speaking of which, walking in Manhattan yesterday I saw iPods everywhere, even an iPod Shuffle. The guy was wearing it like jewelry, a white pod on a black shirt, with the wires configured as in the TV commercials. Walking through the city is like walking through an Apple ad."

(Via Scripting News.)

Hell, I should have bought more when it was at $20.

9:10:41 AM    
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