Updated: 12/6/06; 8:37:37 AM.
Fluid Flow
Info about Antidunes, San Jose Neighborhoods, plus some Frontier/Radio scripting.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Yolo and Shasta
Originally uploaded by tclifton.
I am now learning what it is like to live with two cats.

We are getting into routines.

About a half hour after the light go out, Shasta comes out of the front bedroom and heads into my office to snack on Yolo's food (which I have already put away so she can't get it). As she heads out of the office, Yolo confronts her, claiming territorial rights.

The two growl and hiss at each other for the next few minutes in increasing volume, until I climb out of the bed and send them their separate ways. I usually do this about three times before I get fed up and lock Yolo in my/her office.

A couple of minutes after I climb into bed, Shasta jumps up and lies down between Michele and I.

Until this morning this behavior worried me, because I wasn't sure how they get along when we leave them alone.

But it is clear that they get along fine. Their nightly histrionics are just part of the routine.

1:18:31 PM    
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