Thursday, February 21, 2002

I'm implementing 'Projects' in the python tool. The idea is that instead of opening up the Code Outline, you open up the Project Outline. Double clicking on a Project icon opens up a window on the files in the project, similar to the original code outline.

They are implemented via frontier.openDataFile, and are thus .root files within the Data File folder in the Radio application directory. There's a good side and a bad side to this. The good side is that you can distribute a python project as a root file, and it'll preserve any metadata associated with the project and its source files. The bad side is that there is a limit to the number of data files that Radio will keep open.

That limit is specified in user.prefs.maxDataFiles, and defaults to 5. I am unsure what problems may result by bumping this number up. I've got it set to 10 now. I would assume that it's just a memory penalty, but who knows.

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It's tough to not update things during the day. Mail2blog works, but I will inevitably typo or something.

On the other hand, this particular post falls squarely in the category of posting something for the sake of posting something.

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