A nice read, very down-to-earth. Things worth keeping in mind. [Seb's Open Research]10:18:14 PM | # | |
Weblogs 'R' Us.
When I'm physically present with someone, my body is my interface to them, and their interface to me. The weblog is truly performing a similar function on the net, but perhaps in an even more powerful manner. You can't read my mind by just seeing me, but you learn a lot about me just by reading this very webpage. I explain this a little bit more in my blog's introduction and in this post. [Seb's Open Research]8:24:39 PM | # | |
After Hekate, I need to do some research into Web Services and ask "How can they be used in an Educational Setting?". http://www.xml.com/lpt/a/2001/04/04/webservices/index.html