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Dave Seidel :: Wavicle
Holons, nothing but holons.
Tuesday, February 18, 2003
« ws-reliability continues to be harmful »
ws-reliability continues to be harmful.
Agreed. While there is much to be learned from the Way of REST, certain RESTians continue to be heavy-handed, polemic, and surprising narrow (given their high intelligence level) in their arguments. Web services, despite the perhaps unfortunate name, have applications way beyond the limitations of the web's dominant transport.
Holons, nothing but holons.

« ws-reliability continues to be harmful »
ws-reliability continues to be harmful.
I was surprised to read Mark Baker's statement that he feels there is no need for reliable communication provisions in web-services runtimes.
I think "reliable messaging" is a huge waste of time. [Mark Baker]
I have always respected Mark's opinion, even though I am not much of a REST fanatic myself. In this case however I think that Mark is so caught up in the Web part of the web-services world that he fails to see that the ws-* specs are basically geared towards a world that is transport independent. And as such you cannot build your systems around the get/put/post semantics as you may run over transports other than HTTP.
[All Things Distributed]
Agreed. While there is much to be learned from the Way of REST, certain RESTians continue to be heavy-handed, polemic, and surprising narrow (given their high intelligence level) in their arguments. Web services, despite the perhaps unfortunate name, have applications way beyond the limitations of the web's dominant transport.