Updated: 3/27/06; 7:24:50 PM.

Rod Kratochwill's Weblog
Cynthia Ann Jones Kratochwill 1957 - 2002

Tuesday, January 3, 2006

I'm going to throw out this idea because it seems like whenever I do that somebody announces the product. Before the holidays I took a few looks at the new world of TV's. The last TV I bought was a bottom of the line 27" Zenith. And by bottom I mean bottom, no stereo, no nothing, just a single coax antenna input and that's it. It was the cheapest set in the store at the time.

Since then I've received a couple of hand me downs, and the set we have now is more accurately described as a hand me up. It's a very nice 30 something inches with multiple audio and video inputs and outputs. There is something hosed in it that prevents us from using the Playstation on it but other than that it works great and the price was right, FREE!

So as I took a look at TVs I waded into a world of HDTV, EDTV, 480p, 720p, 1040i, digital vs. HD, 19:9 vs 4:3, LCD vs. Plasma, vs. DLP vs. LCOS vs. PRTV, DVI or HDMI, WTF!

I decided it's a little too early to try and figure out the "best" route to take in getting a new TV.

What I would like to see is a box, one box, that does these things:

1) Plays DVDs, CDs, VCDs, etc. The basic functions of A DVD player. (I currently use a $20 Cyberhome DVD player).

2) Has a basic surround sound system with the appropriate outputs to hook up a set of surround sound speakers. (I currently run the cable box audio and DVD player audio through my stereo receiver)

3) A cable box. (my current cable box has this)

4) A DVR, PVR or Tivo like capability. (my current cable box has this)

5) A basic AM/FM receiver capability. (back to my home stereo)

6) A couple of inputs for external devices like video game systems or other video/audio inputs. Digicams, audio from my PC etc. (for this I use the front panel inputs in the VCR)

With one of these all I need are the output devices, a "screen" of some sort, and speakers. I could get rid of my DVD player, my old CD player, my receiver, and the old VCR. And just think it would have a remote to control all those functions so I could dump the 6 remotes I currently have and I might remember how to get the thing to switch from TV mode to DVD mode.

I'm not holding my breath as the Cable box people don't want you to be watching DVD's they want you to pay them for iControl, or pay per view movies.

I can dream though.
10:48:12 AM    

This sounds like a nice simple recipe for Guacamole. It is Taco Tuesday so I may try to pick up a couple of Avocado's on the way home tonight.
10:08:34 AM    

I so want this tool. I was so disappointed when I got to the end of the article and there was no link to the cool tool Seth had written :)

The girls don't write as many papers as I think they should but when they do it is always a pain creating the bibliography. And not just for the reason Seth mentions. Part of it has to do with using online resources. There always seems to be questions about how to create the bibliographic notation for websites. Who was the author or editor? When was it published? Putting URLs into the page without having them turn hot and look stupid when printed, etc.
9:43:32 AM    

"It's hot and speaking of hot ..."

This has nothing to do with my weather but it did remind me that it's in the 70's this morning and I left the house and forgot to adjust the AC. It might be warm in da house when I get home.

And here at work people are still bringing in cookies and candies for the holidays. Now that isn't going to help anyone who made a resolution to lose weight this year.

I'm still resolved to get the house in shape this year. I was off from work yesterday and the girls were in school, why can't everyone get their schedules synchronized, huh? SO my plan was to attack the decorations. But instead I worked for the whole day on court related crap and still couldn't get it done. I resolved that I am incapable and have recruited the lawyers to help me out.

I did get an offer from a friend to help nail down the clean up of the decorations so I may hold off on that task. (just kidding)
8:12:29 AM    

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