Updated: 3/27/06; 7:24:51 PM.

Rod Kratochwill's Weblog
Cynthia Ann Jones Kratochwill 1957 - 2002

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

9:59:28 PM    

I think I've see this before but I'm trying it out today. iSerenity Makes me think of the old Seinfeld bit Serenity Now! :)

It has sort of ambient sounds and too small images. I like some of the Environments but some are too "busy" for my tastes. Makes me want to create my own. I wrote about the sounds of the night a while back and it would be interesting to have that environment to listen to during the day at work. Or maybe one of those Sunday mornings on the patio out front when all the birds in the neighborhood take turns stopping by the bird feeder.

I wonder if the quality of one of the low end MP3 players with a line in would be good enough to create my own sound scapes.
10:33:49 AM    

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