Updated: 3/27/06; 7:25:21 PM.

Rod Kratochwill's Weblog
Cynthia Ann Jones Kratochwill 1957 - 2002

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Heaven help me, I have a combined eight teens in the house tonight, two high schoolers and six middle schoolers, with a breakdown of 5 girls to three boys, YIKES!

I am a very protective, well probably over protective parent.  I was always trying to protect the girls from getting hurt as kids.  Cindy would have to make me go away and let them play otherwise I would force them to sit quietly and not do anything "dangerous" that might get them hurt.  We had plastic outlet covers on every outlet, and door locks on every cabinet.  It was terrible trying to teach them to ride a bike, I was terrified they might fall and get hurt, and cry.  My natural instincts were too strong.  If it were up to me the girls would have spent all their days quietly sitting in a softly padded room with no sharp corners. 

I eventually was able to let the girls go out and have fun, doing dangerous things like playing on the swing set, and riding their bikes without training wheels.  But to do that I had to turn off my natural protective (or over protective) instincts.  And that is my problem.  I have a hard time dealing with trying to protect the girls and at the same time allow them to make mistakes and potentially hurt themselves.

So I sit here carefully listening to the conversations, well it's not really conversation, it's more a cacophony of raised voices, currently all screaming in unison.  I figure as long as everyone is yelling at each other nothing "bad" is happening.

And as I listen to the awkwardness of these young teens as they try to figure out how to act around teens of the opposite sex, I realize my own feelings of awkwardness as I try to figure out how to act as a single 40 something person after 20 some years as part of a couple.

Perhaps I'm overly protective of myself.  Too afraid that I may hurt myself, or at the least afraid that I may act in a way that may embarrass me.  That I will make a mistake.

8:39:59 PM    

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