Updated: 3/27/06; 7:25:22 PM.

Rod Kratochwill's Weblog
Cynthia Ann Jones Kratochwill 1957 - 2002

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Halley is talking fruit and veggies.

Every morning I make Lindsey a big container of fruit. I start with a cored apple and dice it in large chunks. On top I add a variety of other fruits depending on what looks good at the grocery. Pears, grapes, straw berries (it's the beginning of the season down here), raspberries, blackberries, kiwi, mangoes, oranges, etc.

And Lindsey being vegetarian we usually get some veggies with dinner when I have time to make it. Last night was stir fry veggies with red curry, and some homemade veggie pot stickers.

Halley asked about raw vs. coked Broccoli and my first thought was I'll ask Cindy. Cindy was a dietitian. Out in the garage I have a file cabinet that is filled with all her old nutrition files. Much of it is old, at least 4 years old now.

Time is measured in reference to the accident. I have a built in calendar to determine how much time has passed. I cleaned out the pantry a while ago after I found some bugs in a box of crackers. I found some things that I knew needed to be tossed because I remembered having them when Cindy was alive.

One of my resolutions for this year is to clean up the house. Cindy was real good at cleaning up and tossing out junk. It's taken me up until just recently when I can throw things out and not fear that I'm throwing away memories.

So on Sunday I was going through those old files. I bet that somewhere in the boxes of old nutrition papers I could have found something on Broccoli nutrition. Or maybe not. But somehow going through the process of throwing out, what I'm sure Cindy would have thought of as junk, still felt like I was throwing out a few more little pieces of my past with her.

And my guess is that raw Broccoli has more nutrition than cooked, especially if you like smushy broccoli and you boil it.

3:33:27 PM    

For years I've tried to use outliners. For some reason I can't get my ideas to fit into that kind of structure. I was just thinking that my thoughts and processing of them aren't hierarchical, but instead more like procedural programming.

When I think about things they aren't structured like outlines they are like rivers of thought flowing from one idea to the next. When I get ideas that I want to write about it is usually sparked by reading something and having the ideas spring forth and connect to other ideas. My most difficult task is being able to describe the sometimes tenuous connections that tie my ideas together.

The ideas are interesting and important but it is the stuff that connects them that is what makes them so. And sometimes it's hard to come up with the words to describe the strange and mysterious fibers that intertwine and connect ideas.
8:43:19 AM    

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