Updated: 3/27/08; 6:15:05 PM.
A Man with a Ph.D. - Richard Gayle's Blog
Thoughts on biotech, knowledge creation and Web 2.0

Saturday, December 7, 2002

Joel Mokyr Has Written The Gifts of Athena. Virginia Postrel has already managed to read Joel Mokyr's brand-new The Gifts of Athena: When Knowledge Was Spread Around, So Was Prosperity: ..."The true question of the Industrial Revolution is not why it took place at all but why it was sustained beyond, say, 1820," Professor Mokyr writes. The reason, he argues, lies in what he calls the Industrial Enlightenment, a series of cultural changes that connected practical and theoretical knowledge and made both more widely accessible. Beginning in the... [Semi-Daily Journal]

Sounds like a book I will have to check out. It may make a case that the Knowledge Revolution is a natural consequence of the Industrial Revolution. I'd agree with that.  12:32:41 PM    

Lest we forget: Poindexter the cyberblunderer. Fifteen years ago, in November 1986, then-National Security Advisor Poindexter, along with his chief aide, Colonel Oliver North, set out to destroy more than 5,000 of their own email messages. Apparently neither man knew much about email technology. All of the messages they deleted from their computers were stored on a backup tape. The tape was found quickly, and its contents detailed the facts of the Iran- Contra scandal.

The tapes showed that Poindexter and North had devised a scheme to sell arms to Iran and to funnel the profits to the so-called Contras, who were waging war against a democratically elected socialist government in Nicaragua.

The whole deal - sending guns to the Ayatollah and funding the Contras - was a direct violation of several Acts of Congress. Poindexter and North were indicted, tried and convicted.

At his trial, Poindexter admitted that he was running American foreign policy behind the backs of Congress and the president: "I made a very deliberate decision not to tell the president so that I could insulate him from the decision and provide some future deniability for the president if it ever leaked out."

Although both men were guilty of something close to treason, neither suffered much. North parlayed his notoriety into a career as a wacko right-wing talk-radio host. Poindexter's conviction was overturned on appeal on a technicality - the lies he told Congress were found to be "immunized" by his position as National Security Advisor. Instead of going to jail, he went to work for an obscure company known as Syntek Technologies, which had contracts with the Department of Defense.

This is the piece of irony that would be amusing (given Poindexter's experience with email) if it weren't frightening: his new job was to develop a system for "intelligence mining and information harvesting" of computer databases.

For more than a decade, this man, who was undone by his own cyber- clumsiness, has been working as a high-tech spook. And as a result of his work at Syntek, John Poindexter now commands one of the most powerful fronts of the Bush administration's domestic War on Terrorism. [Smart Mobs]

It is always nice to have friends in high places. Poindexter continues to be rewarded for defying Congress, running a shadow government and protecting the right people. Isn't America great?  12:17:25 PM    

Ring Lardner. "I've known what it is to be hungry, but I always went right to a restaurant." [Quotes of the Day]

Carl Sagan. "But the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown." [Quotes of the Day]

Bertrand Russell. "This is one of those views which are so absolutely absurd that only very learned men could possibly adopt them." [Quotes of the Day]

Steven Wright. "Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died." [Quotes of the Day]

Nice quotes for a Saturday.  12:06:32 PM    

Extra B vitamin may keep mind sharp in old age [Reuters Health eLine]

Vitamins are important at all stages of our lives. Nutrition in the eldery is an active area of research that will become more important since the population is aging.  11:54:04 AM    

December 2002
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Last update: 3/27/08; 6:15:05 PM.