Steve's No Direction Home Page :
If he needs a third eye, he just grows it.
Updated: 10/23/2004; 11:36:26 AM.


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Wednesday, July 10, 2002

Me, mySQL and SQL Server

Spent a few hours this evening installing mySQL on one of my machines, going through the security steps in a book. I have a bunch of tables I need to copy to mySQL from SQL Server. My first cut at it, by using SQL Server's DTS was not very satisfying: I got some weird errors in DTS, and the (small) table didn't copy. I have a lot of tables, and I may need to convert them several times, so I don't want to go through intermediate files. For now, they're both on the same machine, but eventually I'll move the mySQL database elsewhere.

As much as I get irritated with SQL Server's Enterprise Manager and Query Analyzer, thety're pretty good tools. Embarcadero's DBArtisan is, in many ways, far superiour, but it's not cheap either. For Mac OSX I've seen some pretty nice SQL front end tools, but haven't found anything in the Windows world that really does it for me. Looking for any advice.

9:46:53 PM  Permalink  comment []

XSH: An XML Editing Shell

Now this looks very cool: a command line shell for querying and creating XML documents, whether they are on your own system or can be loaded from the net. Installing and working with it is now very high on my too-long todo list.
9:43:44 PM  Permalink  comment []

Tabbed browsing harmful?

Colin Z. Robertson: Tabbed browsing considered harmful. “We already have taskbars to solve the problem of switching between windows. Adding tabs to that means that we have to click on the application window in the taskbar and then bring the mouse up to the top of the screen (but not to the very top, so we can’t take advantage of Fitts’ law) to click on the tab.”

To clarify. If implemented by a window manager, I think the usefulness of a tabbed interface might well outweigh the clutter and confusion caused. But when implemented by an individual program, the reverse is true — the inconsistency of the program with the window manager, and with any other tabbed programs, outweighs the benefit from the feature. And that is the case whether or not your OS lets you use a tabbed window manager.[mpt]

I get some of their points, but still, tabbed browsing is the main reason I use Mozilla.I especially like it with the News Aggregator in Radio. It's so easy to right click on a link, and do Open in New Tab. The new tab doesn't interfere wtih reading the current window. When working with the Aggregator, I can work with just one window. Since I'm the kind of user who keeps a lot of applications open at a time, this also reduces clutter at the bottom of the screen.

9:37:33 PM  Permalink  comment []

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