mssql2mySQL and mySQL Front
Last night I was struggling with mySQL imports from SQL Server, and wished for a nice front end to the program. Not too long after I wrote that, I found Michael Kofler's mssql2mySQL, a Visual Basic program for making the conversion. I downloaded it, and ran it hosted from Access. Unfortunately, I skipped part of the documentation, the part that told how to limit the number of rows that it transferred, and the part about making a direct connection instead of writing an intermediate file. I set it running on my machine, and went to bed. This morning I had 456MB file on my disk. At the top of the file was some (problematic) DDL for recreating the database, followed by tens of thousands of lines of Insert statements, one for every row in every table! This was pretty much useless for my needs. (Later: of course I figured out that these Insert statements would have allowed me to fairly easily; maybe one day I'll learn to read docs!)
Then today I found Ansgar Becker's mySQL Front, a generic front end for mySQL; I've been using it all evening. It's a nice utilitiy, with some rough spots. But it's only $15, and so far it seems well worth it.
mySQL Front has import/export facilities, nicer than the command line. One item is an Import from ODBC. Thinking this would do the trick, I attempted a few small tables, but had no luck. From the looks of the messae boards on Becker's site, others have had the same problem, which apparently (from doing ODBC logging) come from surrounding table names with single quotes in the Select statements. I hope he can get these fixed soon.
In the meantime, I'm using mySQL Front to do some tab-delimited impots. Instead of going with the whole megillah on my database, I'll just do some portions of it. Now I have half a dozen tables imported, some with as many as 60,000 rows. For the project I'm working on, this will give me a leg up.
9:33:41 PM Permalink