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If he needs a third eye, he just grows it.
Updated: 10/23/2004; 1:00:57 PM.


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Monday, April 12, 2004

Solitude and the Fortresses of Youth. When we censor the art of teenagers, however disturbing, we deny their humanity in the name of preserving their innocence. By Michael Chabon. [New York Times: Opinion]
9:30:46 PM  Permalink  comment []

Why Oh Why Are We Ruled by These Fools? (Special Dick Cheney's Puppet Edition).

I won't call George W. Bush a puppet for Dick Cheney if Cheney will stop re-tying Bush's strings whenever they break. Dan Froomkin writes:

...there is a growing focus on President Bush's willingness only to face the panel investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in private, unrecorded and with Vice President Cheney at his side.

Here's CNN senior political analyst Bill Schneider on Tuesday: "The question that's emerging out of all this is simple: Why does the president of the United States have to appear jointly with the vice president of the United States? I mean, can you imagine Clinton and Gore testifying before such a commission or the first George Bush and Vice President Dan Quayle? Why do they have to appear together?

"It's raising some damaging questions about whether or not George Bush knows enough to testify on his own or whether he's dependent on Vice President Cheney."

Presidential confidante Karen Hughes defended the joint appearance on Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press": "I'm not sure what the rationale specifically was, but I think the White House believes that it is an effective use of their time," she said. "Many times, President Bush and Vice President Cheney were in the room together during much of the events, much of the briefings, much of the lead-up that the commission is looking at. And so I think it's appropriate that they appear together and discuss how they saw the events leading up to September 11."

Shorter Karen Hughes: "I can't think up a convincing lie, and nobody else has thought up a convincing lie either."

[Brad DeLong's Semi-Daily Journal (2004)]

When Bush talks will Cheney's lips move?

6:03:03 PM  Permalink  comment []

James Pinkerton -- former Bush staffer -- writes this in Newsday:

If you knew that President Franklin D. Roosevelt had received a memo a month before Pearl Harbor entitled, "Japanese Determined to Attack the United States in the Pacific," and that he had done nothing about that information, would that knowledge change your perception of FDR as a wise war leader?

11:20:27 AM  Permalink  comment []

It's against the law to support Kerry

An email from the Bush campaign today states that supporters of Kerry are "shadowy liberal groups," and acts as if they'll have more money than our vacationer and fundraiser in chief to spend:

We must prepare for the worst and assume that these shadowy liberal propaganda groups - who are illegally working to help Senator Kerry  -  will outspend our campaign until they are forced to shut down.  President Bush needs the help of grassroots leaders like you to respond to the deceitful ads these groups are airing with this illegal cash.

Shouldn't this prompt you to send some money to

10:41:59 AM  Permalink  comment []

We are sorry that our president is an idiot

We are sorry that our president is an idiot. Got to love this tag on a computer bag.

10:34:47 AM  Permalink  comment []

waffles and flip-flop

Fight Back. Bush supporters are hitting Kerry in Google with the word "waffles". Let's fight back.... [Oliver Willis: Like Kryptonite To Stupid]
10:27:59 AM  Permalink  comment []

American Taliban.

9:20:49 AM  Permalink  comment []

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