Monday, April 19, 2004 |
A few good things:
Kill Bill 2: Better than the first one, certainly no where near as grue-filled. Michael Parks steals the show with a short scene.
Prime Suspect: Helen Mirren better than ever.
And the current, April 19 & 26 issue of The New Yorker. A
superb piece by Anthony Lane on the dangers of loving P.G. Wodehouse
too much. (But the dangers of becoming addicted to Wodehouse pale in
comparison to the immense enjoyment that can be found in reading him.)
Also a good piece on the Farrelly Brothers planned movie of The Three
Stooges, an OK David Sedaris, and David Denby's review of Kill Bill 2.
But that Wodehouse piece is the gem. Better yet, if you haven't done so
latelyk, grab some Wodehouse and start readng (I re-read "The Great
Sermon Handicap" after reading the piece, it's one of the funniest
stories ever written, but then so are a good dozen others in The World
of Jeeves.)
10:12:36 PM Permalink
Language Log on John Kerry's desperation to hide his fluency in French: "Geoff Nunberg pointed out to me that in Nebraska they once passed a law making it illegal to teach foreign languages in the schools, period. Foreign language learning is now, like sodomy, legal in all states; but these are not freedoms that a politician should brag about taking advantage of. Such is the determined linguistic isolationism of the USA. I would have thought that to have a US president (for once) who could argue fluently and convincingly in the native language of some other head of state would be a fantastic asset. But instead it is perceived as a kind of disloyalty, evidence of being an untrustworthy egghead, and you would lose millions of votes over it. It's both depressing and amazing." [Davos Newbies]
3:36:41 PM Permalink
MySQL Conference
The recent MySQL Conference must have been hugely fun. Russell Beattie has a great roundup of links
to bloggers who covered it. I'm disappointed 4.1 will be so long in
coming -- fall before production ready! And also disappinted that 5.0
will still be a while; I really want stored procedures!
9:28:27 AM Permalink
© Copyright 2004 Steve Michel.