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Updated: 10/23/2004; 1:16:26 PM.


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Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Why Oh Why Are We Ruled by These Liars? (Yet Another Midsession Review Edition)

Business Week's Howard Gleckman bangs his head against the wall as he contemplates the midsession review:

BW Online | August 2, 2004 | Bush's Biggest Deficit: Consistency: This year's budgetary shortfall will be bigger than ever -- but by White House math, that's a victory. In its latest fiscal forecast, released on July 30, the Bush Administration projects the deficit for the year ending on Sept. 30 will hit $445 billion. That would be $70 billion more than the record $375 billion deficit we hit last year. According to the White House and its GOP allies, this shows great progress in the battle against deficits.

"Because the President's economic policies are working," says Budget Director Joshua B. Bolten, "We are ahead of pace to meet the goal of cutting the deficit in half within five years." Adds House Budget Committee Chairman Jim Nussle (R-Okla.): "Our budget outlook has significantly improved in the past seven months due to strong economic growth and spending restraint."

MISOVERESTIMATE. Say what? How does the idea of the deficit getting $70 billion bigger translate into fiscal success? It's easy, when you combine Washington's bizarre budget accounting rules, the increasingly superheated campaign season, and some Orwellian rhetoric. You see, last February, President Bush projected the deficit for this year would hit $521 billion. Now, thanks to a growing economy, the Bushies figure it will come in $76 billion below that number. Thus, we have a whole new way to game the budget debate: Overestimate deficits at the beginning of the year, come in below that forecast, and declare victory.

It's a pity that the real world isn't that rosy....

THE REAL NUMBERS. And what about Bush's promise to cut the deficit in half in five years? The new Bush budget claims he can do it even faster -- by 2007. But don't hold your breath. That happy prediction assumes the U.S. will spend no more money on Iraq and Afghanistan after Sept. 30. And it ignores the need to fix the dreaded alternative minimum tax (AMT). Without a fix, the levy will hit more than 30 million taxpayers by the end of the decade.... If anyone pays attention to the real numbers, the fiscal situation is more bad news for Bush's reelection chances and good news for his newly minted Democratic challenger, John Kerry.

The bad news for Kerry, of course, is that if gets elected, he'll actually have to do something about this mess. And while he at least can credibly claim he won't make matters much worse, he hasn't yet shown any inclination to make things better.

[Brad DeLong's Semi-Daily Journal (2004)]
3:41:03 PM  Permalink  comment []

Aug 4, 2004: The legacy of Katherine Harris

First she makes up the rules for an election, now she's making up terrorist plots... [Kicking Ass]
3:31:10 PM  Permalink  comment []

Cheney's Halliburton fined $7.5 million for lying

Apparently, our vice president was a liar before becoming Bush's... [Daily Kos]
3:28:42 PM  Permalink  comment []

Mars Imagination Gone Wild

Millions of amateur astronomers are poring over pictures of the red planet. Experience the thrill of discovery -- or self-delusion -- for yourself. By Erik Davis from Wired magazine. [Wired News]

I read this story in the print magazine last night. It's fun reading, though shallow and has nothing new. But I was disappointed that they show the old 1976 version of the "face on Mars" picture (which does look a bit like a face) but not the more recent one, which doesn't look anything at all like a face. Generally the article doesn't hold these people up to be the dishonest fools that they really are. (And, worse, they don't mention the best face on Mars pic of them all.)

9:25:29 AM  Permalink  comment []

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