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If he needs a third eye, he just grows it.
Updated: 10/23/2004; 1:19:30 PM.


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Saturday, August 28, 2004

The Chairman of the Board on Homeland Security

Fantastic! Frank Sinatra sings about the terrorists.
8:50:04 PM  Permalink  comment []

Ben Barnes: I Got George Bush Into The National Guard

Video File from TPM

Ben Barnes, then Lt. Governor of Texas, got George Bush into the National Guard. I'm reprinting the transcript completely:Let’s talk a minute about John Kerry and George Bush and I know them both. And I’m not name dropping to say I [Bolo Boffin]
3:11:41 PM  Permalink  comment []

George W. Bush, Wimp-in-Chief

God! What a wimp! Does anybody really want a guy like this commanding the U.S. military?

George W. Bush: Face the Nation: March 5, 2000: Bob, there are people spending ads that say nice things about me. There are people spending money on ads that say ugly things about me. That's part of the American--let me finish. That's part of the American process...

George W. Bush: Larry King Live: August 12, 2004: Well, I say they ought to get rid of all those 527s, independent expenditures that have flooded the airwaves. There have been millions of dollars spent up until this point in time. I signed [the McCain-Feingold] law that I thought would get rid of those, and I called on the senator to -- let's just get anybody who feels like they got to run to not do so....

George W. Bush: White House: March 27, 2002: [McCain-Feingold] does have flaws. Certain provisions present serious constitutional concerns. In particular, H.R. 2356 goes farther than I originally proposed.... I believe individual freedom to participate in elections should be expanded, not diminished; and when individual freedoms are restricted, questions arise under the First Amendment. I also have reservations about the constitutionality of the broad ban on issue advertising, which restrains the speech of a wide variety of groups on issues of public import in the months closest to an election...

George W. Bush: Face the Nation: March 5, 2000: You know, let me--let me say something to you. People have the right to run ads. They have the right to do what they want to do, under the--under the First Amendment in America...

George W. Bush: Larry King Live: August 12, 2004 : Well, I haven’t seen the ad, but what I do condemn is these unregulated, soft-money expenditures by very wealthy people, and they’ve said some bad things about me. I guess they’re saying bad things about him. And what I think we ought to do is not have them on the air. I think there ought to be full disclosure. The campaign funding law I signed I thought was going to get rid of that. But evidently the Federal Election Commission had a different view...

George W. Bush: Washington Post: March 28, 2000: George W. Bush opposes an infringement on free expression...

George W. Bush: Face the Nation: March 5, 2000: There have been ads, independent expenditures, that are saying bad things about me. I don't particularly care when they do, but that's what freedom of speech is all about...

George W. Bush: via Scott McClellan: August 26, 2004: The president said he wanted to work together [with McCain] to pursue court action to shut down all the ads and activity by these shadowy 527 groups," White House press secretary Scott McClellan told reporters on Air Force One after Bush spoke to McCain by telephone from the presidential jet Thursday morning...

George W. Bush: letter to Trent Lott: March 15, 2001: Protect Rights of Individuals to Participate in Democracy: by: 1) updating the limits on individual giving to candidates and national parties; and 2) protecting the rights of citizen groups to engage in issue advocacy...

George W. Bush: Los Angeles: March 2, 2000: In my state that’s the way it is. People can give any amount they want to give so long as there’s disclosure.... I believe the best policy is to say individuals can give [to whoever they want] and then have instant disclosure on the Internet...

And, of course, there's Bush's own campaign strategy:

George W. Bush: Face the Nation: March 5, 2000: his allegation somehow that I'm involved with this is just totally ridiculous. It is uncalled for. There is no--no truth whatsoever. This--the notion that this man who ran the ads spent the night in the governor's mansion--I think Senator McCain just made that allegation--they're--they're just not true...

"Senior Republican": Financial Times: December 9, 2003: It is an open secret in Washington that White House-blessed campaign strategists have been working quietly for months to compile potentially damaging background on all the Democratic candidates. In the early going, when it appeared Mr Kerry would emerge as the frontrunner, one senior Republican commented wryly: "By the time the White House finishes with Kerry, no one will know what side of the (Vietnam) war he fought on."...

[Brad DeLong's Semi-Daily Journal (2004)]
9:13:04 AM  Permalink  comment []

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