Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Thursday, March 14, 2002

School attacked over evolution teaching. Scientists claim a leading school in England is teaching children a purely biblical version of evolution. [BBC News: sci/tech]

It's a private school--are private schools in England not allowed to teach what they want? While I agree with the scientists that Christianity is ludicrous, I suspect the the public schools there are teaching Socialism, which is equally ludicrous.
comment () trackback ()  11:11:55 PM    

Suspect indicted in Pearl killing. A British born man is indicted on charges of kidnapping and murder over the death of American journalist Daniel Pearl in Pakistan last month. [BBC News: world]

Why is an American court indicting somebody for a crime that happened in Pakistan? This business of US courts trying to enforce US laws all over the world is ridiculous, and certainly doesn't do our image much good with the rest of the world. This guy has already been charged in Pakistan, and if he's found guilty he will certainly be executed much more swiftly than any American court would do it, so there's not even any point that I can see.
comment () trackback ()  12:09:09 PM    

Russia unveils tourists' spaceship. Russia presents the prototype of the world's first reusable space ship, designed to make space tourism widely accessible. [BBC News: sci/tech]

A nice idea, but the credibility of the story is badly damaged by the "world's first reusable space ship" claim. I expect journalists to be remarkably ignorant, but this one shows a truly impressive degree of ignorance. It's not even the first Russian reusable space ship!
comment () trackback ()  8:49:11 AM    

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