Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Wednesday, May 15, 2002

Afghanistan Claims Progress on Drugs. Equating anti-drug and anti-terrorism efforts, Afghanistan's interim government claimed Tuesday it had destroyed 25 percent of three provinces' opium crop and confiscated enough opium from merchants to keep $8 million in heroin from the market. [AP World News]

Or in other words, 25% of the farmers in those provinces will be unable to provide for their families, who will be left to starve, and some number of merchants in a country with very little economy left are now ruined. I hope that the US government and their Afghan puppets are really proud of themselves.
comment () trackback ()  12:08:54 PM    

Hatred grows best when it remains unchallenged. Here is a story which was published and followed-up by (link noticed thanks to protein wisdom): A message from... [The news, Uncensored.]

An account of a "peace in the Middle East" rally that was met with a huge mob screaming for the deaths of Jews. Apparently this sort of hatred is common at San Francisco State University. I was surprised, but I suppose I shouldn't have been--the Bay Area of California is more heavily polluted with European ideology than almost any other part of America.

To the students who were threatened by this mob, I point out that you are not in Europe. You have options in this country--and as various Korean shopkeepers have shown, a dozen people with semiautomatic pistols who know how to use them can stand up to a much larger mob, if they need to. Of course it's illegal for peasants to actually carry the tools to defend themselves here in the People's Republic of California, but doing so is only a misdemeaner.
comment () trackback ()  10:22:05 AM    

The Violence-Beast. The IsraelInsider reported yesterday as follows: "Last night, Parliamentary Affairs Minister and Arafat confidante Hassan Asfour was assaulted by five... [The news, Uncensored.]

An article about how Palestinians are turning on each other. It's hardly surprising--when people have been taught for generations to believe that insanely violent behavior is good, it's naturally going to be hard to keep their insane violence focused entirely on the intended targets.
comment () trackback ()  10:10:59 AM    

Arafat Promises to Hold Elections. Yasser Arafat, who is under growing pressure at home and abroad to carry out reforms, acknowledged Wednesday that he has made mistakes and promised to restructure his government and hold elections. Yet he did not present a detailed plan and instead appealed for patience. [AP World News]

Who does he think he's kidding? If he even bothers to have elections at all, he'll just follow the Zimbabwe model.
comment () trackback ()  9:57:48 AM    

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