Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Wednesday, May 22, 2002

Suicide bomber at pedestrian mall in Rishon Letzion. "At least two people were killed and 37 wounded, four seriously, when a suicide bomber blew up in a pedestrian... [The news, Uncensored.]

Police commander Haim Cohen said that the bomber had been of European appearance, with bleached blond hair.

"His hair was dyed blond, short, punk looking," Cohen said. "I'm sure he disguised himself so as not to arouse suspicion at the scene."

Are the police sure he disguised himself? Maybe he really was European--like that French "activist" who was hiding in that church in Bethlehem with his friends, the Palestinian "activists." And it's not like blond-haired Europeans have never murdered Jews before.
comment () trackback ()  3:52:51 PM    

Just for the record, define 'refugee camp'. Are these Palestinians considered to be refugees from Jordan -- which expelled them in 1972, killing 20,000 in the process? Are they refugees from Kuwait, which expelled all the Palestinians there after 1991, for taking the wrong side in the Gulf War? And if so, why aren't they blowing up buses -- and demanding a "right of return" -- in Jordan and Kuwait? [The Libertarian]

Some good comments on the Jenin "refugee camp." This column was written over a month ago, but I only just found it.
comment () trackback ()  12:50:49 PM    

Forget Arafat. The Palestinians deserve democracy. [OpinionJournal]

Sounds of discontent are being heard from the sane Palestinians. I've been reading some editorials suggesting that Arafat will lose power, but I don't think that will happen. More likely if he believes he may lose power, he'll suddenly end his terrorist attacks on Israel. The Israelis will then have no choice but to agree to peace, and Arafat will then be free to once again plant his boot firmly on the neck of the Palestinians.
comment () trackback ()  9:58:18 AM    

The Sims.  Ever wonder what the Sims could become if they set it up for massive multiplayer play?  Total chaos.  Totally huge.   Add more sex, drugs, theft, lies, and nonprogrammed responses and you get a massive game.  You could role play your life as a drug addict, serial killer, pregnant teen, terrorist, cop, worker bee, prostitute, media exec, teacher, etc.  [John Robb's Radio Weblog]

This is an interesting comment from John Robb's weblog. I doubt he thought if it that way, but you can tell something about his personality from the things he wants added to the game and the sorts of people he suggests role-playing.
comment () trackback ()  9:51:59 AM    

Planet at the crossroads. An authoritative United Nations report says human activity is likely to mark more than two-thirds of the Earth's surface within 30 years. [BBC News: sci/tech]

The article actually says, "More than 70% of the Earth's land surface could be marked by the impact of cities, roads, mining and other human developments." Of course most of the Earth's surface if water, which is rather hard to build roads and cities on. This sort of thoughless mistake is pretty typical of the article, which assumes, as the UN does, that the presence of humans is a bad thing.
comment () trackback ()  9:46:24 AM    

Peaceful days. Here are some highlights of peaceful days in the Middle East crisis: Mortar fire at IDF post in Gaza, no... [The news, Uncensored.]

They were peaceful because no Israelis died, but not for lack of effort by the Palestinians--the article lists seven attempts to kill Israelis. If those days were peaceful, it was not because the Palestinians have become less violent, but because they were simply too incompetent to be violent successfully.
comment () trackback ()  9:23:48 AM    

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