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Friday, April 04, 2003

An exerpt from the latest Russian military intelligence update:

The coalition claims of "completely destroying" the "Media" ("Al Madina al Munavvara") and the "Hammurali" Republican Guard divisions of the 2nd Republican Guard Corps received no confirmation. No more than 80 destroyed Iraqi armored vehicles were found along the coalition's route of advance, which corresponds to about 20% of a single standard Iraqi Republican Guard division.

It has been determined that only a few forward elements of the "Hammurali" Division participated in combat while the entire division withdrew toward Baghdad. A single brigade of the "Medina" division was involved in combat. The brigade was split in two groups during fighting and withdrew toward Baghdad and toward Karabela to join the main forces of the ["Medina"] division.

Equally unimpressive are the numbers of the Iraqis captured by the coalition. In four days of advance the US troops captured just over 1,000 people only half of whom, according to the reports by the US field commander, can be considered regular troops of the Iraqi army. There are virtually no abandoned or captured Iraqi combat vehicles. All of this indicates that so far there has been no breakthrough for the coalition; Iraqi troops are not demoralized and the Iraqi command is still in control of its forces.

It really does sound like those Republican Guard units weren't actually destroyed at all.
11:50:13 PM    comment ()

War, what's it good for? The economy, for one thing. [OpinionJournal]

It's kind of ironic how ignorant this unnamed author is of economics, considering that he's writing for a paper named for the "business center" of America. He's clearly never heard of the broken window fallacy. Or perhaps he has, but dismisses it because it was first written about by a Frenchman.
11:43:58 PM    comment ()

A strategic blunder?. Despite stiff and unexpected Iraqi resistance, the U.S. invasion of Iraq is likely to succeed in toppling Saddam Hussein -- and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, President Bush, the Republican Party and American neoconservatives. []

A look at the consequences of the invasion of Iraq. Personally, I think he's being overly optimistic in forecasting the defeat of the neoconservatives. Even if the Republican Party suffers because of their actions, it won't stop them--they can just switch to the Democratic Party and become "neoliberals" instead. Given their Communist background, they might even be more comfortable in that role.
11:03:22 PM    comment ()

Woolsey: World War IV. He said the new war is actually against three enemies: the religious rulers of Iran, the "fascists" of Iraq and Syria, and Islamic extremists like al Qaeda.

Woolsey told the audience of about 300, most of whom are students at the University of California at Los Angeles, that all three enemies have waged war against the United States for several years but the United States has just "finally noticed."

Leonard Peikoff and Angelo Codevilla would agree. [Counterpoint]

He also threatened Egypt and Saudi Arabia. For those leftists who insist on acting as if Bush's behavior is without precedent, I point out that this particular Crusader was part of the Clinton administration.
7:49:23 PM    comment ()

Tornadoes to drop 'concrete bombs'. RAF Tornado jets are set to drop 1,000lb laser-guided blocks of concrete on enemy targets in Iraq. [BBC News | Front Page | UK Edition]

But they will be laser-guided 1,000lb blocks of concrete, capable of destroying a tank or artillery piece, but without causing a devastating explosion that would put civilians at risk and shatter surrounding buildings.

Interesting idea--sort of a low-tech (and low-altitude) of the kinetic orbital bombardment system that people have been writing about since at least the 1970s.
7:41:30 PM    comment ()

Quote of the day:

We may extend our dominion over the whole continent, our navies may ride triumphant on every sea, our name may be the terror of Kings, our decrees the destinies of nations, but be assured it will be at the price of our free institutions. I know not how it may be with others, but for my own part, I would not pay this price for all the power and all the glory that ever clustered around all the banners and all the eagles emblazoned in the pantheon of history.

William Waters Boyce
6:36:22 PM    comment ()

I just saw a show on the Discovery Channel about the North Hollywood bank robbery. They went on and on about how outgunned the police were by the two robbers, but somehow they "forgot" to mention even once that the police borrowed AR-15 rifles from a nearby gunstore--thus removing the robbers' advantage.
12:00:58 AM    comment ()

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