Michael A. Salorio at Imperial Valley Press via Liberty Forum -
Police Abuse Cripples Teen - BLM JBTs permanently injured a
19-year-old boy, apparently for talking back at them about riding his
ATV in an area specifically designated for that use. Unfortunately,
the perps are still drawing air, though it looks likely that they
will suffer legal consequences for their actions. The original version
of this article is
here. [libertyforum]
GLAMIS -- A 19-year-old Encinitas man remains in a wheelchair with
limited mobility after suffering spinal cord injuries here Nov. 2
allegedly caused by a Bureau of Land Management ranger against whom
allegations of abuse of power and use of excessive force have been
The Federal Bureau of Investigation's office in El Centro is
investigating the incident that a third-party witness described as
being "pretty tragic" and "a shame."
Brian Boyd suffered bruising to the spinal cord in the neck area as
well as having vertebrae in his neck and lower back wrenched out of
place, said Tom Boyd, the alleged victim's father.
Tom Boyd, 52, of Encinitas, is a commercial airline pilot who served
as an aircraft carrier fighter pilot in the U.S. Navy from 1973 to
1993. He retired from military service with the rank of commander and
attended the prestigious "Top Gun" fighter pilot school twice during
the course of his naval aviation career.
"There seems to be a bunch of cowboys out there abusing
people. ... They thought he was a punk kid they could harass. ... We
truly believe that an independent investigation is needed to let
people know of the abuse," said Tom Boyd.
The BLM rangers involved in the incident were identified by the Boyds
and their attorneys as Ray Leloup and R.C. Magill. A spokeswoman with
the BLM office in El Centro said Leloup is a ranger assigned to the El
Centro office. The spokeswoman said Magill is not assigned to the El
Centro office and information on where he is stationed was
[End the War on Freedom]
There are two follow-up articles on this incident: DA mulling charges against BLM accuser (note that charges are being considered against the victim in this case, not against the government thugs), and Rangers probed in alleged abuse.
The victim's father happened to be in the Navy with famous fighter pilot turned Congressman Randy Cunningham, so it's vaguely possible that something might actually happen to the government scum, although it's unlikely to be anything more serious than losing their jobs.
12:05:05 PM