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Tuesday, February 10, 2004

flying the unfriendly skies?.

From the BBC:

An American Airlines pilot terrified passengers when he asked Christians to identify themselves and allegedly went on to call non-Christians "crazy".

Some passengers on the flight from Los Angeles to New York were so worried they tried to call relatives on their mobile phones.

The pilot, whose name was not released, asked Christians on Friday's flight to raise their hands.

He then suggested non-Christians talk to the Christians about their faith.

He went on to say that "everyone who doesn't have their hand raised is crazy", passenger Amanda Nelligan told CBS news...

[Al-Muhajabah's Islamic Blogs]

Arthur Silbur also wrote about this episode on Sunday. Presumably this happened after the flight was already airborne--personally, if something like this had happened to me while the plane was still on the ground I would have insisted on being let off.

It also raises an interesting question. There's been lots of attention to various ineffective and counterproductive "security" measures supposedly intended to keep religious fanatics out of the cockpit--but what happens when the religious fanatic is supposed to be there? Have any of the airlines got any procedure in place or any training for what to do if your pilot goes insane mid-flight?

Apparently in this case the co-pilot didn't take over the flight and remove the pilot. Could he have done so? And if so, why didn't he? The apparent lack of reaction doesn't say much for the security of the current system. Suppose this lunatic had decided to crash the plane into a building--would anyone outside the cockpit even have known something was wrong until it was too late?
12:44:18 PM    comment ()

At Least 42 Die in Haiti Rebellion [AP World News]

Lest anyone forget, the current government of Haiti was installed ten years ago by yet another unprovoked US invasion. At the time there was lots of blather about promoting democracy around the world as justification for the invasion--although the sides were reversed from what they are today.
12:14:17 PM    comment ()

# What Really Happened - A Nation Damned - why the United States is damned. [whatreallyhappened] [End the War on Freedom]

An excellent article.
10:28:08 AM    comment ()

Roeper on Catholic Bashing. Richard Roeper, who's not exactly a great defender of Christianity is not surprised by the furor over The Passion -- "Catholicism has been represented far more frequently than any other faith. I've probably seen more films about the Catholic Church... [ Blog]

Roeper is writing about movies that make Catholic priests look bad, but I can think of at least one movie in which a Catholic priest is the hero that Catholics would probably object to even more than those that make priests look bad: The Body.
9:45:26 AM    comment ()

  • Slashdot | Curse Your Way to Live Support.

    EtherMonkey writes "Wired is reporting on new software developed at University of Southern California's Speech Analysis and Interpretation Laboratory. Researchers there have come up with working code to detect the frustration and anger level of callers working their way through automated attendant phone systems."The system works by analyzing not only what callers say, but also how they say it. Callers get transferred if they start to spit out expletives or if they simply sound angry.""

  • [Privacy Digest]

    The next time you get stuck with an automated phone system, try yelling at it!
    9:11:00 AM    comment ()

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