Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
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Monday, July 12, 2004

Philippines Caves In To Evil. This just in: "The Philippines will withdraw its troops from Iraq in response to a threat by terrorists to behead a Filipino truck driver, al-Jazeera reported, citing Philippine Deputy Foreign Minister Rafael Sequis as saying in a statement."

How dare they put their countrymen ahead of the War on Evil! South Korea at least had the sense to wait until a Korean was executed before it planned to withdraw, to show its willingness to sacrifice for the Good of the World.

Don't the Filipinos remember Operation Filipino Freedom, in which the US government liberated them from Spanish oppression? Is this the thanks we get?

(Thanks to "Philip Dru" for the link.) [ Blog]

I can't imagine what they were thinking, sending even a handful of troops. Of all countries, the Phillipines should know better than to support US imperialism.
11:06:55 PM    comment ()

CIA Insider: The Threat We Refuse to Get. Outlook selected portions from various sections of "Imperial Hubris," rather than a single excerpt, and condensed them to provide a more thorough picture of the book's arguments. The selections are grouped by subject. [Washington Post]

A look at what really motivates groups like al Qaeda and those who support them. A refreshing change of the almost psychotic rantings of the Crusaders.
11:00:25 PM    comment ()

"None of Your Business!": the American Community Survey. Texas congressman Ron Paul, in today's "Texas Straight Talk", reports on an incredibly intrusive expansion of the American census, the... [Survival Arts]

Any such survey that shows up in my mailbox will go into the trash with the rest of the junk mail. If the Feds try to fine me, I will not pay. It's not like they would be able to prove in court that I received it.
5:47:20 PM    comment ()

Gardeners critical over slug protection laws. A new animal welfare law that will offer slugs and snails the same protection as cats and dogs was condemned by gardeners yesterday.

Legislation to be announced by the Government this week will give courts the power to impose fines of up to £20,000 and 12 months in jail on people found guilty of mistreating animals. Anyone under the age of 16 will be banned from owning a pet and goldfish will no longer be allowed to be given as prizes at fairgrounds.

The legislation could lead to gardeners being fined for killing insects, worms, caterpillars, slugs and snails, if scientific evidence proves they have suffered pain and distress. Ministers say the law, which updates existing legislation, is needed to protect animals from abuse. Horticulturalists rejected the idea that they could be guilty of cruelty. []

A look at where the ecofreaks in America are headed.

I expect that if this passes in the UK, the next step will be to "protect" lice, fleas, ticks, and mosquitos.
12:59:47 PM    comment ()

The Myth of Republican Conservatism. The latest "Conservative Index" that has just been published by The New American, (a biweekly publication of The John Birch Society), is an eye-opener for those who think that the Republicans in Congress are "conservative." The index once again refutes the myth, based on the voting records of Republicans in Congress, that the Republican Party is the party of "conservatism."


So how does this index refute the myth that Republican Party is the party of "conservatism"? Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the only member of the House of Representatives who admits to being a socialist, scored a 47 -- about average. Former Republican Jim Jeffords (I-VT) scored an even 50. But 174 Republicans in the House (76 %) and 23 Republicans in the Senate (45 %) scored less than Sanders. []
12:37:10 PM    comment ()

The Economics of Water in the West. Market prices for water? Would that mean the end of some farms in California and elsewhere in the West? Yes, says William Anderson, that is exactly what that means. The government has engaged in egregiously wasteful policies in order to politically distribute water, and those policies have created the current crisis. The western landscape is a a desert, not a rain forest, and politics can't change that. [Ludwig von Mises Institute Articles]

I lived for a while in Desert Hot Springs, in Calfornia's low desert. The humidity there got into the 30s in the summer (with 115-120 degree temperatures) because of all the golf courses, swimming pools, lawn sprinklers, and mist sprayers.
11:57:40 AM    comment ()

From the smith2004-discuss list:

A marine squad was marching north of Basra when they came upon an Iraqi soldier badly injured and unconscious.

Nearby, on the opposite side of the road, was an American Marine in a similar but less serious state The Marine was conscious and alert. As first aid was given to both men, the Marine was asked what had happened. The Marine reported, "I was heavily armed and moving north along the highway and coming south was a heavily armed Iraqi soldier." Seeing each other we both took cover.

"What happened then?" the corpsman asked.

"I yelled to him that Saddam Hussein was a miserable low life slug, and he yelled back: 'George Bush, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Bill and Hillary Clinton are miserable slime balls'. "

"We were standing there shaking hands when a truck hit us."

10:20:17 AM    comment ()

Newsweek: "American counter-terrorism officials, citing what they call 'alarming' intelligence about a possible Qaeda strike inside the US this fall, are reviewing a proposal that could allow for the postponement of the November presidential election in the event of such an attack." [Scripting News]

I think it's inevitable that this will happen--if not this election, then soon. The only part of the Constitution that's still in use is the part about elections, so it's not surprising that the Feds would get around to ignoring that too.
10:17:23 AM    comment ()

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