Monday, July 26, 2004
Here's an interesting weblog, from the Adam Smith Institute in the UK. Here's a description:
The Adam Smith Institute, the free-market think tank, is the UK's leading innovator of practical market-economic policies. For over 25 years it has been a pioneer in the worldwide movement towards free markets, public-sector reform, and free trade.
The Institute focuses on promoting choice, competition, enterprise, and user-focus. It works through research, reports, conferences, advice, and media debate.
11:58:24 AM
Filipina Prez to Neocons: Buzz Off!. Now here's a head of state who tells it like it is. No way is she going to sacrifice her people to salvage the reputations of a beleaguered bunch of bellicose Neocon crybabies. Excerpt: ``I cannot apologize for being a... [LewRockwell.com Blog]
It must be nice to have a President who actually cares about the lives of her constituents.
11:55:08 AM
Ten Recurring Economic Fallacies, 1774-2004. So many to choose from but Scott Trask picks ten of the most glaring economic errors that have bespotted the history of American economic policy. Among them: war is great, Hamilton was fabulous, sanctions work, we need an export policy, debt is the best way to finance war, we must choose between industry and agriculture, and others. Trask, as an Austrian and historian, crushes all these errors. [Ludwig von Mises Institute Articles]
10:42:12 AM
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Ken Hagler.
Last update:
2/15/2006; 2:02:36 PM.