Tuesday, January 3, 2006
Being out of work is "just cause" for incarceration in the MN family court system. The judge informed me that if I lost my job, I should promptly file a motion to temporarily reduce support until I was gainfully employed again; which I did........and which she promptly denied in court around July of 2005.
Judge Tanya Manrique who advised me to file the motion to suspend child support while unemployed due to the smoking bans, and who then denied that same motion, was happy to sentence me to 90 days in the Hennepin County workhouse for failure to pay the child support. [Clearing The Air]
Sounds like that judge was more interested in procuring slave labor than in child support payments.
11:54:15 AM
Revenue. Over the course of a week, a DWI roadblock in Connecticut stopped more more than a thousand cars, issued 29... [The Agitator]
It's widely believed that highwaymen disappeared in the early 19th century. In fact, they didn't--they just went to work for the government.
11:49:58 AM
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Ken Hagler.
Last update:
2/1/2006; 1:30:02 PM.