Saturday, December 31, 2005
KIFI TV -.... #
Potential Legislation on Wyoming Gun Laws - Vermont Carry and "no
retreat" may be coming to my home state. Wyoming just keeps looking
better. [codrea]
Representative Becket Hinckley of Cheyenne is planning to sponsor a
bill that would allow people to carry a concealed weapon without going
through the application process.
Two other legislators are sponsoring a measure that would make Wyoming
a "no retreat" state.
[End the War on Freedom]
I'm amazed by how many states didn't already have "no retreat" laws. California has always been that way. It's ironic that a state notorious for Jim Crow laws regarding owning and carrying guns actually has some of the best laws on self-defense.
1:20:59 PM
Cookie monsters. The government cookie story is getting stupider by the day. The AP — having naively believed they had some investigative scoop when they discovered that the NSA site, like most every site on earth, sets cookies — now finds that the White House has “bugs”: gifs that let stats software count visitors (like the garish, multicolored thing on the very bottom right of this page). All it does is measure traffic. It is an issue only with the tin-hat society. This is a nonstory born of ignorance and paranoia and now hype. [BuzzMachine]
Also born of short memories. The "government sites are setting cookies" story was already done, back during the Clinton administration.
12:50:19 PM
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Ken Hagler.
Last update:
1/3/2006; 11:50:50 AM.