Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Oh-KAY, Oh-KAY... No Torture. The White House has apparently agreed to back McCain's anti-torture amendment.... [Hit and Run]

That's big of him. Of course, I'm sure he only agreed after his advisors explained to him that laws don't apply to the government, and that it would be business as usual.
comment () trackback ()  7:53:46 PM    

# Paul Joseph and Alex Jones at Prison Planet - Republican Congressman Says Totalitarian Regime a Danger - Bob Barr fears for our liberty. If they pass the new, improved, U.S.A. T.R.A.I.T.O.R. Act, you should too. [picks]
Barr said that legislation like the Patriot Act and its imminent re-authorization and expansion were more of a threat to the American way of life than any terrorist attack.

"Even when the leaders in Washington say we're not going to let the terrorists change our way of life, they are implementing policies that do precisely that."

Barr elaborated that the manipulation of fear was a key cornerstone in the government's coup de 'tat on constitutional liberties.


Speaking on the topic of the second amendment, Barr said that his position as a board member on the NRA enabled him to judge the difference between how the Clinton and Bush administration's approached the issue. Barr echoed the sentiments of many other prominent conservatives in expressing his frustration about how the Bush administration was even more anti-second amendment than the Clinton office.
[End the War on Freedom]
comment () trackback ()  12:23:03 PM    

From agitator:
"One of the most important signs of the existence of a democracy is that when there is a knock at the door at 5 in the morning, one is completely certain that it is the milkman." -- Winston Churchill
[End the War on Freedom]

I guess that must mean that this is still a democracy, because the Gestapo doesn't knock on your door at 5 in the morning. Instead, they smash it down, throw grenades inside, and charge in with submachine guns at 3 in the morning.
comment () trackback ()  11:56:30 AM    

Rigoberto, Requiesce in Pace. The death of Rigoberto Alpizar is not an "unfortunate incident," as Rep[rehensible] Mica so callously called it. It is instead the logical result of a people eagerly trading its freedom for security, of cowards who see terrorists crouched behind every tray table, of adults childishly scaring themselves with ghost stories of phantasmagorical bombers. Tragically, these babies look to their Congressional nannies for a protection they shouldn't want and don't need. And Congress happily rushes to oblige. Rep. Mica boasted to USA Today, "We've got a small army out there ready to protect and defend the flying public."

Yep. And like any army, it shoots to kill. []
comment () trackback ()  10:19:07 AM    

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