The next time you hear someone recite this mantra, ask him or her to explain how fighting foreign wars makes America more free. Nearly all wars lead to some curtailing of civil liberties. Lincoln suspended habeus corpus and jailed newspaper editors, Wilson arrested war protesters, FDR interned 120,000 Americans in concentration camps, and Nixon ordered the FBI to spy on anti-war activists during Vietnam. This "War on Terror" has led to the Patriot Act, to the NSA spying on Americans, and to the FBI monitoring advocacy groups like PETA. We are less free than we were before the "War on Terror" started.
Support the troops because they are your family, friends, and neighbors. Support the troops because you feel a patriotic bond toward Americans placed in harm's way. Support the troops because you feel sorry for anyone who is in a dangerous situation, but don't support the troops because they're fighting for our freedom. That's the Big Lie being used to suppress dissent and blind the American sheeple to the advance of the Police State USA.
I've wondered about the "fighting for our freedom" line myself. The people who spout it apparently believe it quite fervently, yet the last time the US military actually did anything of the kind was the Pancho Villa Expedition in 1916.
6:53:03 PM