Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Flour Power. A Bryn Mawr student gets caught at an airport with condoms filled with flour. She and her dorm mates made them as gag squeeze-toy stress relievers during finals. A field test -- conducted twice -- indicates that the condoms are filled with opium, cocaine, and amphetamines. The girl spends the next three weeks in jail on drug charges that could bring 20 years in prison.


Also, ya' gotta' wonder if things would have turned out as they did had the suspect had been someone less sympathetic than an academic honor student at Bryn Mawr. [The Agitator]

Unfortunately, I don't wonder about that at all.

I do have to wonder about how eager the Feds are to believe their own tests, no matter how implausible the results. Opium, cocaine, and amphetamines all blended into one completely homogenous powder (which looks just like flour) in one container?
comment () trackback ()  2:12:10 PM    

Leica Digital M announcement for PMA?. Much to the delight of many Leica aficionados there's now more than a hint that Leica are readying a digital version of the M7 rangefinder camera. Stefan Daniel of Leica is quoted in the latest edition of LFI (Leica Fotografie International) magazine as saying "The Digital M will be introduced as a complete package that will include new wide-angle lenses." The rumour mill also carries some specifications; 10 megapixels with a 1.3x crop factor, 2.5" LCD monitor and SD storage. We expect to... [Digital Photography Review (]

The crop factor isn't as bad as it is with Nikon's digital SLRs, but it's still a crop factor, so I won't be buying one of these.
comment () trackback ()  9:05:14 AM    

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