Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Some Questions About Eavesdropping. The New York Times story about the warrantless eavesdropping that's been going on for several years now prompted a couple... [Hit and Run]

First, why on earth did the Times, apparently at the Bush administration's request, sit on this story for a full year?

The question contains the answer. They did it because the government "asked" them to. You can be sure that this latest bit of collaboration (from the paper that employed Judith Miller) will in no way deter them from uttering self-congratulatory, sanctimonious drivel about the role that they play in insuring that government is transparent and answerable to the people.
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SHELDON RICHMAN: Spying Is Bigger than Voting.

Jim Lehrer asked President Bush about the warrantless spying on Americans he authorized after 9/11. Bush smirked and said that is not the big story; the Iraqi election is the big story. Sorry, Mr. Emperor, you don't get to decide what the big story is. By any reasonable standard, government spying on innocent people is a far bigger story than any voting in Iraq. Hey, we vote here, but it didn't prevent this example of government oppression.

[Liberty & Power: Group Blog]
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