Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Sunday, January 8, 2006

Mexico Bars Canadian over U.S. No-Fly List. A story today in the Canadian media ought to get more coverage in the U.S.: American fighter jets intercepted a Air Transat plane flying from Toronto to Ixtapa, Mexico, on Thursday because a passenger appears on the U.S. no-fly list.

Canadian citizen Sami Kahil, 38, was denied entry to Mexico and detained one night in jail, then sent home in the company of Royal Canadian Mounted Police:

U.S. fighter jets shadowed Kahil's flight after American officials declared the plane was not cleared to travel over the U.S. with Kahil on board.

While his wife and sons were sent home on the next flight to Toronto, Kahil was told he could not board the flight because U.S. authorities would not let him fly over U.S. airspace.

Kahil, a shoe store owner in Ontario, was vacationing with his wife and two young sons. He has not been charged with any crime related to the incident.

During the flight to Mexico, which did not have a layover in the U.S., the pilot informed the passengers:

Kahil, who was taking his family on a sun vacation to celebrate his 10th wedding anniversary, said his flight was approaching Ixtapa when the pilot announced over a loudspeaker that "they had two people who are not allowed to fly over American airspace.

"You should have seen the faces of the passengers," said Kahil.

NORAD monitored the flight and it was accompanied by either F-15s or F-16s, according to the Toronto Star.

The Washington Post reported in April that the U.S. was considering a measure to demand passenger lists and enforce no-fly rules of all foreign flights that pass through U.S. airspace. This would affect as many as 1,000 international flights and 3,000 domestic flights each week in Canada, because domestic routes often pass over the U.S.. [Workbench]

Another disgrace in the "War on Terror"--or in this case the War on Canada. The article did raise the question of how the Evil Empire got the passenger list. Either the airline is collaborating, or the NSA is spying on foreign airlines. Or possibly both.
comment () trackback ()  3:43:23 PM    

# - New.... # - New Hampshire bill aims to prevent Katrina-style gun seizures - don't know its chances of passage, but HB1639-FN would make it a felony, punishable by a minimum fine of $5,000 and a minimum of 30 days in prison, to confiscate arms during an emergency. [root]
The bill reads: "Any law enforcement officer, person acting as a law enforcement officer, or other public official who confiscates or attempts to confiscate lawfully carried or lawfully owned firearms in this state during a declared state of emergency shall be charged with a class A felony."

In the chaos following Hurricane Katrina, various government agencies - including Federal Marshalls - made systematic attempts to sweep New Orleans of guns - even if that meant entering the homes of law abiding gun owners. The move did not cause widespread outrage in most states. But New Hampshire residents reacted by burning a FEMA flag in front of a local Federal building. They also circulated a petition pledging resistance if such a move were ever attempted in the "Live Free or Die" state....a place where guns are part of the culture and gun laws are the second-loosest in the nation.
[End the War on Freedom]

Sounds like the people of New Hampshire still have some conception of what America was about. Unfortunately the fact that such a law would be needed at all shows that America doesn't really exist any more.
comment () trackback ()  11:52:12 AM    

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