Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Friday, January 13, 2006

A warmongering faux-libertarian has posed a series of questions for those of us opposed to the conquest of Iraq. Here are my answers:

1) When, if ever, is preemptive war is justified?

Never. Note that I support a preemptive strike on an enemy who is massing troops on your borders, has stated his intention to attack you, and is days (or less) away from invading, such as the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, but that isn't really a preemptive war so much as getting off the first shot after someone else starts the war. In any case, the US has never been in this position.

2) When, if ever, is the United States justified in removing a foreign dictator from power?

Never. As John Quincy Adams said, "The United States goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy."

3) Do you agree with the position—recently quoted approvingly on this blog by Dr. Kuznicki—that Islamic terrorism is not a serious threat, but a hobgoblin used by the Bush Administration to increase its authority?

Yes. While Islamic terrorism isn't a complete fiction, it is a very minor threat, and utterly trivial next to the threat the US government poses to Americans. It's also a surprisingly mild reaction to the decades of harm inflicted by the US government on Muslim countries.

4) Precisely what (if anything) do you propose the United States do about the Iranian nuclear weapons program?

Nothing. In fact, as a private citizen I hope that Iran develops nuclear weapons as soon as possible, in order to prevent the threat of a US attack on Iran.

5) Do you believe that the United States should defend Israel, either militarily, by the sale of arms, or in other ways (please specify)?

I don't believe the US government should. I do believe that it private citizens who wish to help defend Israel should be able to do so (currently this is illegal) should they be so inclined.

6) Can you name a specific case in which an American dissenter, not actually affiliated with a terrorist organization, has been jailed or otherwise deprived of civil rights under the PATRIOT Act?

The so-called "PATRIOT" Act applies to everyone in the US, therefore every single person in the country has been deprived of civil rights by it.

7) Do you believe that we ought to remove American troops from Iraq immediately, regardless of the consequences to Iraqis?


8) With regard to interrogation or incarceration: do you believe that infringements of religious sensitivities (e.g., mistreating the Koran) or personal sensibilities (e.g., making men wear women’s underwear on their heads) ought to be regarded as comparable with physical torture?

No, people who engage in the former activities should receive shorter prison sentences than those guilty of physical torture.

9) What, if any, legal consequences do you believe flow from a declaration of war?

I don't really understand the question. Following a declaration of war it would be legal to fight a war with the country in question, as opposed to the illegal activities that have been going on for the past 50 years, but I'm not sure that was what the question was asking about.

10) Do you believe that the Bush Administration purposely manipulated intelligence information in order to persuade the Congress to authorize military intervention in Iraq?

Not for that purpose. The Busheviks' manipulations are well known by now, but they were aimed more at the general public. Congress didn't really need persuading.
comment () trackback ()  5:29:24 PM    

Following the announcement that Nikon will stop selling most film cameras, I went out and bought the FM3A I've been thinking about for a while. I went to two major camera stores in Los Angeles, and in both cases they were almost sold out of this model. I suspect that the announcement has done wonders for Nikon's film camera sales, as people rush to buy them while they still can.
comment () trackback ()  4:56:46 PM    

Chinese Wealth Rulz. Friedman bemoans the fact that China won't join the US to punish Iran. In fact, they will likely block any referral to the UN security council (which will force ad hoc sanctions by the West and a chance for China to become the dominant trading partner with Iran).

The Chinese, and rightly, see the writing on the wall for the old "world order." They recognize that the rise of Adam Smith's world dictates that best chance for success and survival rests on morally neutral commerce (how else to sustain a 10% growth rate?). Trade with everyone. Don't piss off anyone. Always be the market of last resort.

On a lighter note: the Ferengi rules of acquisition. [John Robb's Weblog]

I'm glad that there's a country adopting the foreign policy that America is supposed to have. Hopefully they'll follow throw and leave Tibet and Taiwan alone.
comment () trackback ()  11:44:06 AM    

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