The batteries and cell phone are in the charger. The Blazer has a full tank of gas. All the associated crap is nearly ready. In a few hours I'm heading in the Hollywierd to cover the Digital Hollywood Conference. Doc says he hasn't gotten his press credientials yet. So I will "cover him" under mine if necessary. God knows we can't have him not get in. I need a bail buddy in case they throw us both out of the conference!
Jeeze! It appears the only accordian player in Blogville, Joey deVilla was robbed Saturday night while he was wailing on his box on the mild mannered streets of Toronto. It appears some deadbeat shithead, who lacks the ability to get a real job decided Joey's baseball cap of tips was an appealing mark, while our Accordian Guy was entertaining the public outside a local pizza establishment. Thank God, Joey wasn't hurt, nor was his precious accordian.