Monday, December 9, 2002 |
Two in one day!
I sent this email back to my latest 419-Nigerian Confidence Scam email:
You can imagine my surprise at receiving your generous offer. I think though that you need to get in touch with your half brother Perres Kibala (he claims to be the son of your Fathers number two Wife, I'm a little sketchy on all this stuff). Both of you sent me very nice emails today offering me large sums of cash to solve your financial situations. I am so confused as to which of you I should help that I have passed your request along to the very nice people at the US Treasury Department. I am sure they will be glad to help you clear up any confusion. I hope this proves helpful, and I wish you luck in getting your stories straight.
:) sign me- To Smart To Dance
These people are idiots, but the real idiots are the people who fall for this...mj
5:19:58 PM
We are taught you must blame your father, your sisters,
your brothers, the school, the teachers -- you can blame
anyone but never blame yourself. It's never your fault. But
it's always your fault, because if you wanted to change,
you're the one who has got to change. It's as simple as
that, isn't it?
-- Katherine Hepburn
10:48:38 AM
Begging for dollars
I got the nicest email this morning, and I thought I would share it with you. A polite young man named Perres Kabila emailed me. He's from Zaire/Congo and has a money problem. It seems that some bad man named Rashid has killed his Father, and he can't get his money without my help. Though he said that I should be confedential about this, I felt that blogging would be much better. After all, people need to know about these sorts of things.
It's funny but I seem to remember getting this email before. I thought it was from Nigeria, but I could be mistaken. He is willing to give me a lot of money for helping his family. They need to get a hold of some money that his Dad hid away during his stay in office. I am puzzled though as to why he has chosen me for this transaction. I decided to respond to his email with a hotmail account that I have just for these kinds of emails. I hope that he finds it to be helpful:
What amazes me is that there are people stupid enough to still fall for this one. I think I've gotten this email at least 20 times. Your name changes, your Dad's name changes, your country of origin changes, and your situation changes slightly. But your need for my money never goes away. I would think that with all the emails you've sent out that you would have solved your problem by now. Oh and by the way, you really should try and email someone with a job.
Sign me...not your kind of idiot!
For some reason I don't expect a response, even though I did pass it along to someone who cares
10:23:36 AM
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