Lincoln statue stirs controversy...
Abraham Lincoln is returning to the capital of the Confederacy, much to the chagrin of the Sons of Confederate Veterans...
...The Sons of Confederate Veterans view the Lincoln statue as "a slap in the face of a lot of brave men and women who went through four years of unbelievable hell fighting an invasion of Virginia led by President Lincoln," Brag Bowling, the SCV Virginia commander, said Thursday. The group had only recently learned of the statue, and had no immediate plans to protest...more [CNN]
Someone needs to explain to Mr. Bowling that the Civil War ended over 135 years ago, and his side lost. The "brave men and women...fighting an invasion of Virginia", were in fact fighting to preserve slavery. You can try to white-wash the issue and claim it was about State's Rights, you can claim it was about anything, but it was all about slavery, and preserving the plantation lifestyle.
Reading this moronic comment within days of Trent Lott losing his position, only serves to reinforce the image of many Southerners as closet racist, still trying to win the Civil War and wishing that segregation was still the law...mj
2:44:38 AM