Saturday, March 29, 2003 |
Call for Death of U.S. Forces Denounced
The president of Columbia University said yesterday that he was horrified by the remarks of an anthropology professor who said at a campus antiwar teach-in Wednesday night that he hoped to see "a million Mogadishus", referring to the city in Somalia where American soldiers were ambushed in a lethal firefight in 1993.
The professor, Nicholas De Genova, also called for the defeat of United States forces in Iraq, and said the only true heroes are those who help defeat the American military. He said Americans who call themselves patriots are imperialist white supremacists...more [NY Times]
The best way to express my feelings is to show you the email I sent to Professor De Genova:
I opposed the way we got into this war, but I was sickened by your comments. That you would say such a thing is more of a comment on you then anything else. That you would wish the deaths of your fellow Americans is something that you should be ashamed of. As someone with a degree in Anthropology, I am disgusted to see your comments associated with a field that I happen to love.
Winning this war, getting it over with, and getting to the task of rebuilding a Saddam-less Iraq is the priority now. I hate Bush, and I am disgusted at how he got us into this mess. I only hope that the fallout will not be as bad as I imagine it could be. Anti-War protest at this point serve no purpose but to help Saddam, and assist in extending the bloodshed. The real task is to make sure that Bush and his followers do not win in 2004. Comments like yours only serve to build support for Bush, the war, and makes people who oppose the war look like idiots.
I wish health, and a speedy campaign for our brave men and woman in Iraq. I could no more want them dead then I would wish you dead. I can imagine that others will not be so kind in their assessment of your statements.
-- Michael Jardeen
"Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence,"
-Napoleon Bonaparte
This man is a moron, and I suspect that tenure is not in his future...mj
11:32:11 AM
Halliburton out of the running
Dick Cheney's former employer won't have lead role in reconstructing Iraq
Halliburton, the energy and construction company once run by Vice President Dick Cheney, is no longer in the running for a $600 million contract to rebuilt post-war Iraq, according to the United States Agency for International Development.
The development is likely to spare Cheney, who was Halliburton's CEO from 1995-2000, and the Bush administration from conflict-of-interest criticism.
A spokesperson for USAID, Ellen Yount, said there are two remaining firms bidding on the contract. No decision has been made on who will be awarded it, she said...more [CNN-Money]
Another really good reason to avoid this company is the fact that they did over $20 million in trade with Iraq while it was illegal for US companies to do so. They got around this little problem by doing the work through their French susidiary. Funny how the France thing keeps coming up...mj
9:56:36 AM
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