Not One Single Dime...
"This body voted for a tax bill today that provides billions for the wealthiest and not a cent for unemployed workers -- not one dime, not one nickel, not one penny for those hardworking men and women who are suffering most from the economic crisis," said Sen. Edward Kennedy
I think that pretty much sums it up. Bush and the Republicans did exactly what they wanted. They gave welfare to the rich, and screwed the little guy. This recession has the highest number of people expending UI benefits then any since The Great Depression. This plan does not do anything for the unemployed except continue a program that was already there. It does nothing for millions of displaced workers.
You have to admire this administration on a twisted way they take from the poor, give to the rich. They even handed over many millions in rebuilding contracts, with secret bids, or no bids. The money of course is going to Bush's friends. You have to love the system, NOT!...mj
12:21:47 AM