$500 per unwanted spam
The California State Senate this week approved a bill that would make it illegal to send unsolicited e-mail advertising and allows people to sue so-called spammers for $500 per unwanted message.
f the bill, which now goes to the California Assembly, becomes law, it would be one of the strictest anti-spam measures in the country. Gov. Gray Davis has taken no position on the measure.
Federal regulators and lawmakers are trying to find ways to keep computers from being inundated with spam e-mails, which tout everything from sex aids to home loans and are estimated to account for between a third and a half of e-mail traffic...more [CNN]
This is long overdue. It's too bad things had to get this bad to convince people that something needed to be done. I think this doesn't even go far enough. Jail time for repeat offenders should have been included, but that will end up in Federal laws. Over 80% of the email I get each day is spam. The vast majority of it I delete before reading, but it still annoys, and it's getting worse...mj
11:21:53 AM