Audioblog/Mobileblogging News
Covering the evolution of the "next big thing" in blogging

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Sunday, August 25, 2002

FCW.COM  Satellite speeds Internet to the field  "The system can take several hours to set up initially, depending on how long it takes to get the system's dish lined up with the satellite. Other than that, however, it's simply a case of hooking computers into the Tachyon system through standard IEEE 802.11 wireless local-area network connections."

Tachyon, Inc.  "Last month, Tachyon introduced Mobile Network Access™, the first cost-effective Internet or enterprise network connectivity service for organizations that need transportable broadband network access. The system features a ruggedly designed satellite dish and compact carrying cases that make it transportable to any location, providing a solution for obtaining high-speed public or private network access for temporary field locations, special events, or even emergency response teams."

10:50:43 AM  comment []    

SIGS/101 Conferences’ XML Web Service One Running this week, Aug. 26-30 in Boston. This end of summer event includes a number of presentations by the big guys.
10:39:21 AM  comment []    

VNUNET.COM: Microsoft touts Tablet PCs and Office 11 "

The Tablet PCs, which look similar to notebook computers but can be used without a keyboard, will ship with the Windows XP Professional Tablet PC Edition operating system which is set to go into customer trials in July.

The Tablet version of XP will include applications such as Microsoft Journal, which allows text input by writing on the screen. "

Writing on the screen opens weblogging to whole new group of users unreachable before. A large population of early adopters to weblogging are from the writing community or technical community.  Users that are comfortable with using keyboards.  But think about all the other users who will never use a keyboard but are very good at writing notes on sticky notes or on paper notebooks or just plain talking.

8:44:13 AM  comment []    

Microsoft Research: Inventing the Tablet PC "One of the most exciting features of Tablet PC is Microsoft's Journal application. It allows you to capture your thoughts on the computer in rich digital ink, just as though you were handwriting on a piece of paper." Is the way will be inputting post to our weblogs in the future?

"To start with, it uses multi-modal input - you can input with keyboard, pen, or voice." If the tablet integrates voice as well as the pen, we will start to see voice used naturally in applications such as the weblog.

8:11:24 AM  comment []    

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