Audioblog/Mobileblogging News
Covering the evolution of the "next big thing" in blogging

My Blog Voice Channel
Under Development

Phone To Blog Tools

VoiceXML Gateways



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Sunday, May 04, 2003


Making Connections with Blogging Software

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Been thinking tonight about micro-content and how its best displayed and integrated into our blogs.  You could integrate it like I'm doing with my Voice Channel in a separate space/block of html or you use "Connections" and also integate it back into the main blog.

Connections would allow categorizing of each post by how it is generated.  Today 99% of the posts are generated by entering them with a PC usually using a browser.  Maybe a title on top of the post that said "This post generated on my Dell notebook" or "This post generated with my cool new ....", etc.  The label and/or icon would be defined at the weblog server.

But I could also generate a post with a SMART phone, PDA, etc. "Recorded as I drive to work on the Turnpike using my new SMART phone".

The main difference is the blogging server would define unique virtual connections from each device allowing more than one device to input to the main weblog.  This way my notebook, desktop, PDA, SMART phone each have unique connections to my main weblog account on the server.  Each connection using its client software would sync up separately with the server.  The server would peform backend processes such as archiving of posts and content, main page production, RSS generation, pinging, etc.

Makes it very easy to add a new device/connection to the main weblog and alerts the reader/viewer/listener to where and how the post was generated.

Hope that rambling made sense.

11:59:23 PM  comment []    


a review of blogging APIs

d2r -> a review of blogging APIs -> As I was looking again at the space of remote-access APIs for weblog software (working on the XML-RPC Weblog Sync feature of clevercactus), I found that there was no side-by-side comparison of the main available APIs, or list of links of material to read. So here goes, in the hope that it will save time for others in the future. :)

As always, comments & corrections are most welcome! This is a long post, so I've left the meat of it off the main page.

2:39:49 PM  comment []    


audio server-side translation

Something Russ said yesterday remains with me today (probably because it included the word "server"):

"The problem with AMR and 3GP is that they're proprietary codecs. I'm hoping the mobile guys open them up a bit, but we'll see. I'd love to have a server-side translation so that I could "mediablog" from my mobile to my website."

Should the function of "audio format conversion" be the job of the AudioGateway server?  

First we have to look at why this translation is necessary to begin with.  Mainly because the AMR codec is not supported natively on desktop operating systems today.  Will that change in the future?  Probably, but that doesn't help if your trying to develop mobile apps today.

So the question remains is this a client app function or is this best done on the server? If I put this kind of functionality in the AudioGateway the server also becomes a translation server.  It also becomes harder to scale the server because of the extra CPU cycles needed to do the conversion.



7:49:06 AM  comment []    

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