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Thursday, July 10, 2003


Chris Lydon's Interview with Dave Winer

Dave Winer did an audio interview with Chris Lydon. The mp3 can be found here.


8:35:46 PM  comment []    

Mobile Blogging Morning News - 07-10-2003

Click to hear today's: Mobile Blogging News - 07-10-2003

Audio coverage of this mornings blog posts.

6:41:05 AM  comment []    


[SN] Simon Phipps

[SN] Simon Phipps. Simon is Chief Technology Evangelist at Sun. He's talking about why social software is taking off now since it consists mainly of technology. Answer: the audience has changed, not the technology. It's taken ten years for "The network is the computer"® to become the pervasive reality. It's not enough to be massively connected. It's also go to be based on shared, open, royalty-free and loosely standards. We shouldn't worry about the network's center or edges. Instead, worry about whether there will be a digital ID scheme that anyone will use. [This is addressed to the presentation I just gave.]... [Joho the Blog]

5:24:43 AM  comment []    


[SN] Panel: The Next Communications Industry

[SN] Panel: The Next Communications Industry. Paddy Holahan of NewBay thinks that camera phones will change everything. As the data from voice declines, the telcos are looking for data apps to fill the pipes and the coffers. Raju Gulabani of Telesym focuses on delivering voice over wifi. Louis Holder of Vonage says that they offer phone service over a broadband connection. [Unfortunately, it's not available in Boston, unless you're willing to get a new phone number. I checked a couple of months ago.] They have about 33,000 customers. You get unlimited calling for $40/month, including long distance. Now they're adding services. David Isenberg of David... [Joho the Blog]

5:20:20 AM  comment []    


Yahoo! posts! record! quarter!

Yahoo! posts! record! quarter!.

"What is behind sudden revenue surge?

"Some of the key drivers of success this quarter include more balanced growth in marketing services, from both traditional advertising and sponsored search, as well as ongoing success in converting consumers and small businesses to fee-based services," said Terry Semel, CEO at Yahoo!, in a statement. "

Success! Success! Success! [The Register]

5:12:33 AM  comment []    


McFi? Wi?

It seems that I'm not the only person puzzled by McDonald's rolling out Wi-Fi hot spots in their "restaurants".

Peter Rojas at Gizmodo echos my doubts, as does Andrew Orlowski at el Reg.

Aside from the food and the MaccyDees environment, isn't this just contrary to their basic business practises? As I understand it public Wi-Fi has two goals: One: get more people in the door, Two: get them to stay longer and spend more money.

I can see the first point being of importance to McDonalds as they're losing money bigtime, but number two? They're a fast food chain, pile it high, sell it cheap. Getting the punters in, fed and out the door in record time is their aim, they don't want punters hanging around with laptops making the place look more untidy do they?

Maybe I've missed something, if so let me know. It seems more like panic stricken bandwagon chasing to me, but who knows, there may be a method in the madness.

Posted by Jim Hughes

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5:04:39 AM  comment []    


Fortune's Lewis on McDonald's

Fortune's Lewis on McDonald's. The witty Peter Lewis explains McDonald's...appeal: For years, McDonald's used every trick imaginable to get customers in and out the doors quickly, from harsh lighting to clickety-clack tile floors to uncomfortable plastic chairs and tables. Now it appears to be using the most modern tricks -- like Wi-Fi access -- to try to entice customers to linger in the restaurants and spend more money.... [Wi-Fi Networking News]

5:01:28 AM  comment []    


Geiger Counter for Wi-Fi?

Geiger Counter for Wi-Fi?. Kensington intros WiFi Finder: Small, lightweight, and useful? I don't know the price, I don't know when it ships, but it'll tell you when you're within sensing range of a Wi-Fi network (802.11b or g) using three lights to indicate signal strength. [via Cord Campbell]... [Wi-Fi Networking News]

4:33:39 AM  comment []    


New School tools - here we come!

New School tools - here we come!.

Behold Echo. I'm not really interested in the politics of Echo, however, no matter what happens, a year or two from now... [David Galbraith]

David raps it out. I especially like the statement:

......not enough focus has been made on tools to create modules and allow extensibility. Forms need to be built into applications such as Userland's, Blogger and Moveable Type's to allow end user creation of RSS modules within a users namespace and without having to have users have any need to know about the underlying XML. Rapid adoption of modules will take syndicated content beyond the headline/link pair that is the only metadata currently being syndicated in any volume.

I myself have been trying to deal with FOAF lately and find myself completely dependant upon Morten Fredericksen and Leigh Dodds tools.  Hopefully Phil Pearson will come through and we'lll have a FOAFster soon enough :-)

But it's always gonna come back to tools. I love it when some VC guy tells me: "there's no money in tools."

So I have to politely tell him:

- I'm the one who helped create Macromedia - and we BEAT Microsoft and Apple - thank you very much

- They (Macromedia, Adobe, Symantec, Microsoft) currently represent the old school of tools - the Status Quo

- Just as we had to replace assembly language programming and black screens with green text - for productivity software and GUIs  so NOW do we have to make a leap forward!

- So don't start telling me about all these dot com failures who didn't grok it - I'm not them!

That's ONE of the reason I took the 90's off.

[Marc's Voice]

Tools save time!  Something we never have enough of.  Tools also make it so some people don't have to think and work so hard to get complex things done.

The features in the present Blog tool space have brought us to where we are now.  New tools and enhancements to existing blog tools will bring us to the next level.

"Life is good" and the time is prime for all blog tool developers like Marc... and they know it.  Stay tuned!

4:28:17 AM  comment []    


Matthew Reynolds is on Carl Franklin's .NET Rocks

Matthew Reynolds is on Carl Franklin's .NET Rocks audio show this week. I love this show, even though I'm still stuck on chapter three of "Learning C#."

[The Scobleizer Weblog]
4:13:57 AM  comment []    

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