Monday, September 08, 2003
Doc wants his local news extreme
As I've been prepping to write the next and probably most ideologically charged part of the Emergentism series, I've been playing with how various workstyles have already paved the way for emergent polities in which people self-organize to address specific issues. Extreme programming, which is singular in its focus on a specific user requirement and relies heavily on feedback is one of the key ideas in work organization I am relying on. This is the type of orgnaization that Doc Searls wants when he writes: "What I really wish, though, is that we (the citizens of Santa Barbara) would find a way to come up with a local public radio station. I've carped about this before, so I'll let that link spare us repetition." This is what Correspondences.org is aiming at, what we're talking with a number of folks about forging; not just a local NPR station, but an international public news organization. [RatcliffeBlog: Business, Technology & Investing]
6:36:56 AM
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