Good day, new weblog readers.
No doubt that a few readers today will have come here from the article that is running in the Pioneer Press. I salute you for your willingness to explore new types of media and writing ;)
Anyway, let me show you around here. That calendar you see off to the right gives you direct access to old posts. As you can see, I've been a little spotty lately. I also managed to lose a lot of my old posts when I reinstalled my blogging software. Unfortunately, they have been scattered to the wind of the Net, forever gone.
The little envelope you see ( ) will take you to a form where you can get a hold of me via email. You can also comment on an entry by clicking on the "comment" link after this article. The XML buttons will give you XML links to the content on this site. If you don't know what that means, then don't worry about it :)
Anyway, let me give you a little background information about me and this weblog. I have been blogging on and off in some form or another for the past couple years. If you go to my "normal" site,, you'll see some very old blog entries. There's an archive sitting around, but there's no access to it right now. Nothing of much interest there anyway right now.
I started this blog this past fall when I decided to start looking into the Journalism program here at the University of Minnesota. Blogging seemed like a very good coupling with Journalism, so I decided to start looking at blogging-as-journalism. Then I started regularly taking my Journalism class, and I started to decide that the ideas that I had were not going to work with the system that the University was teaching. Don't get me wrong, I love the class, but they're still teaching the Old Way of things at the J-School.
So now I've slowly changed my focus to more of a technology-related weblog. I talk about things like the DMCA and the SSSCA. I also have managed to track down some people who are exploring some technologies that I am currently interested in both as a hobby and professionally.
So why do I blog? I'm not here to make money, for one thing. You'll notice that there is not a single banner ad on this site. I'm doing it to explore things that I'm interested in, and to connect with people who have similar ideas and interest.
Contrary to popular belief, the Net can be used for more than just downloading music and pornography ;)
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